Puppy Socialization During a Pandemic

Our beloved WOOFS! puppies and puppy parents, We miss you. We miss our Saturday puppy parties and we miss our Puppy Kindergarten classes. We miss snuggling on all of the adorable little puppies we usually get to work with. Since we can’t get together, let’s talk about what you can do if you have a puppy.… Read more »

Race to Your Space!

Does your puppy go to his crate at nap time?  When visitors arrive?  When you need to leave for work, or when it’s time for bed?  The crate provides a safe, quiet space for your puppy.  But does he run into the crate with wild abandon, at your request?  If he doesn’t, why not?  Here’s… Read more »

Puppy Challenge #1: House Training

Originally Published on ArlNow.com So you have a cute new puppy? Congratulations! But now what? Puppies naturally bite, cry, poop and pee. Then we get them in the house and immediately want them NOT to bite, cry, poop or pee. It’s a pretty tall order for an 8 week old. So here are a few… Read more »

New! Puppy Prep School

You have GOT to meet Lucy.  Lucy is our first Puppy Prep School student and she is adorable. Lucy is an 8 week old mini dachshund who started Prep School on April 5th. I will be chronicling her progress here. We have a lot planned for this little girl. We immediately started working on Lucy’s… Read more »

Surviving your dog’s adolescence

Originally published on ArlNow.com Much like in humans, your dog will go through an adolescent phase and this period can be fraught with difficulty. Dogs will enter their adolescent period at around 6 months old, and exit between 18 months and 2 years of age. Smaller dogs tend to mature more quickly, larger dogs more slowly.… Read more »

What is socialization?

Originally published on ArlNow.com  Socialization is the process of positively introducing your puppy to new things so that as they grow into adulthood, they are able to adapt to new situations without fear or anxiety. The most important thing to know is that most puppies are only open to the socialization process between the ages… Read more »

The Why and Why Not of the dog park

So I have been talking a lot about puppy socialization and exercise, and how to accomplish those intertwined goals. Both are critical for the health and well being of your pup and the exercise part can be essential for your sanity! The dog park seems to be the go-to answer for a lot of people,… Read more »