Puppy Party
This socialization event for puppies is guaranteed to be the cutest hour of your week! Guided by our experienced puppy trainers, your pup will romp and play with fellow puppies while learning the Ps & Qs of polite canine social interaction. For puppies 9 to 14 weeks of age.
Puppies must begin Puppy Party by age 14 weeks old or younger. Due to high demand, not all puppies will be able to attend Puppy Party before they turn 14 weeks of age. We work hard to serve as many puppies in the community as we can, and we regret that we can’t accommodate everyone who is interested.
For puppies 9 – 14 weeks old at the time of their first party.
Where and when:
Tuesdays at WOOFS! Ballston Campus
Puppies must bring proof of their first round of distemper and parvovirus vaccinations (DAPP) to their first puppy party.
Please keep your puppy home if she is sniffling, sneezing, coughing, has a runny nose, or shows other signs of illness.
Class tuition:
$30 per one hour play session
Puppy Kindergarten
group manners training class
Our Puppy K class makes life with your puppy easier now while also setting you up for a lifetime of enjoyable companionship. Get relief from house training accidents, puppy biting, and all that endless energy. Your puppy will learn how to relax in her crate for a little downtime (for her and you!), keep her needle-sharp teeth to herself, potty in the right places, respond to her name, and settle when you ask. Guided by experienced puppy instructors she’ll also learn to interact and play politely with fellow canines—an important skill to carry into adulthood, and one best taught young.
Puppies must begin Puppy Kindergarten by age 14 weeks old or younger. Due to high demand, your puppy may not be able to get a space in Puppy Kindergarten before 14 weeks of age, in which case we recommend that you start with Puppy Basic Obedience.
For puppies 9 – 14 weeks old on their first day of class
Puppies must have their first round of distemper and parvovirus vaccinations (DAPP).
Please keep your puppy home if she is sniffling, sneezing, coughing, has a runny nose, or shows other signs of illness.
Class tuition:
$250 for 6 weeks of class
+ $25 off your Puppy Basic Obedience tuition
Please plan to attend all classes. Make-ups are not available.
Puppy Basic Obedience
group manners training class
As puppies get a little older, basic manners becomes the name of the game. Using clickers and a unique method we call Tranquil Training, we’ll transform your boisterous puppy into a polite member of society. Your pup will learn to sit and lie down when asked (and to stay put, too!), come when called (imagine that!), walk politely on leash, and to sit (rather than jumping!) as a socially acceptable way to say hello to family members, friends, and strangers.
For puppies 12 weeks to 6 months old on the first day of class
Puppies must bring a current vaccination certificate to their first class.
Please keep your puppy home if she is sniffling, sneezing, coughing, has a runny nose, or shows other signs of illness.
Class tuition:
$325 for 7 weeks of class
($300 for puppies who have attended Puppy Kindergarten with us)
Please plan to attend all classes. Make-ups are not available.
Why train at WOOFS!

Experienced, professional puppy trainers
We don’t just love puppies—we understand how they tick. Our instructors are highly certified puppy trainers with many years’ experience and a commitment to ongoing education in our field.

Skilled classroom instructors
We’re also committed to good teaching, employing active classroom instructional and management strategies to ensure a fun, effective experience for all puppy and human students.

Science-based, puppy- and people-friendly methods
In an unregulated industry we use only the most up-to-date, humane, scientifically researched training methods. We want you to feel good about how you get your training results.

Real-life results
Speaking of results, what good are they in the classroom if you can’t replicate them at home and out in the world? Our curriculum sets you up to live happily with your puppy—and the adult dog she’ll soon become.
Paws-down the most important part of puppy training
We understand that an end to potty accidents and puppy biting is probably top of your puppy training goal list. You wouldn’t mind a puppy who responds to requests like “off!” and “sit” and “stay,” too. Our programs are designed to help you reach these goals. But our curriculum also places a premium on puppy socialization.
Why? Because socialization, the systematic process of introducing puppies to the wide world around them (strangers, animals, and the sights, sounds, and experiences of life in a big city) is the key to a laid back, friendly adult dog you can take anywhere. And while basic manners training can happen anytime in a dog’s life, socialization is by far most effective during puppyhood when your dog’s personality and stance toward the world are forming. Under-socialized puppies too often grow up into fearful and aggressive dogs—a tragedy for dog and owner alike.
Socialization is so important to the raising of a behaviorally healthy dog that the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior recommends beginning in safe environments as early as 8 weeks old (so long as pups have had their first round of vaccinations).