Can your dog put their head into different objects? And why the heck would you care about that?
Well, last week in Daycare PLUS we collected up objects of all of sizes and alls sorts of materials, and we worked with dogs to put their faces into or through these objects. While some dogs did this with great vigor, others really needed to warm up to the idea. You can see in the video where first-time attendee, baby Oslo, spent most of her time just watching everyone else.
So here’s where this activity gets useful. If your dog wears a collar or an over-the-head harness, this makes it so much easier to get them dressed. And if they ever need to wear a cone, or even a muzzle, they’ve already practiced that things on their head and face aren’t such a big deal.
(Not included in this video, but my personal favorite: this is also a great way to teach your dog to wear rabbit ears or reindeer antlers or witches hats for adorable photos. Just saying…)
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