Owner agrees to pay the current rate for daycare in effect on the date the dog(s) listed below is (are) checked into WOOFS! Dog Training Center's ("WOOFS!") facility. Prices are subject to change at any time, without notice. Owner shall remain liable for the entire outstanding daycare fees as well as other fees and charges incurred in the care and maintenance of the Dog(s) placed in daycare with WOOFS!.
Owner acknowledges that there are risks inherent in keeping dogs in daycare a setting, including risks to the health and well being of the Dog(s) and well as risks that the dog(s) may harm people, dogs or other property. The Owner agrees to be solely responsible for any and all acts or behaviors of the Dog(s) while in the care of WOOFS!, including but not limited to any acts that damage or in any way harm any person, other dogs or property of WOOFS! or any daycare customer. Owner agrees to indemnify and hold WOOFS!, its employees, agents, staff and representatives harmless against all any and all claims and liability incurred by reason of a Owner’s breach of this agreement and any acts of the Dog(s) and shall pay all costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred. Owner agrees to pay all costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred for any efforts to collect amounts owed to WOOFS! by Owner under this Agreement.
Owner hereby warrants that the Dog(s) are current on all required vaccinations, including without limitation, Distemper, Parvo, Bordatella and Rabies. Valid proof of vaccinations and/or titers must be presented before the Dog(s) can be dropped off for daycare. Owner agrees to maintain vaccinations and to provide WOOFS! with updated copies of vaccination records as they become available.
Owner agrees that Dog(s) arriving with fleas, ticks or other infestations shall be sent home. WOOFS! reserves the right to refuse any dog.
Owner agrees that the Dog(s) will be picked up by Owner or a pre-approved Owner’s agent by closing time (7:00pm) unless an extension is agreed to prior to 5:00pm on the day of service. In case of an emergency which would delay Owner’s arrival, Owner shall promptly notify WOOFS! of such a delay. Owner shall immediately make alternate arrangements for the Dog(s)’ pick-up. In any event, late charges will be assessed.
WOOFS! Dog Training Center agrees to exercise reasonable care in caring for the dog(s), and to keep the premises sanitary and properly enclosed. All Dogs are handled or cared for by WOOFS!’ staff without liability on WOOFS! part for loss or damage from disease, theft, fire, death, escape, injury or harm to person’s, other pet(s) or property by said pet(s), or from other unavoidable causes, due diligence and care having been exercised.
Owner agrees that WOOFS!’ liability shall in no event exceed the lesser of the current tangible value of a pet of the same breed or the sum of $200.00 per animal. Should any Dog(s) become ill or, in WOOFS!’ sole determination, need medical attention of any kind, WOOFS! reserves the right to administer aid and/or to use any available veterinarian. WOOFS! shall not be responsible or otherwise liable for any services provided by any other person. Owner agrees to pay all costs and other amounts so incurred. In WOOFS! sole discretion, such amounts shall be paid by Owner to either WOOFS! or the persons or entities providing such services.
Owner agrees that during the Dog(s) time in daycare and boarding, the Dog(s) may be videotaped, photographed, referred to or recorded in any form by WOOFS! or other persons approved by WOOFS!. WOOFS! shall be the exclusive owner to the results and all proceeds of such tapings, photography, reference and recording with the rights, throughout the world, an unlimited number of times in perpetuity, to copyright, to use and to license to others in any manner. Owner agrees that their Dog(s) may be used in any form of promotion by WOOFS! without notice, approval or payment to Owner.